Day two of the season went by in the blink of an eye. Great discussions were made, and our priority list started to finalize. Finishing off day two and starting day three, here’s a recap of what happened.
With our priority list finalized after day two, our team has done much research and looked into shooting in the Lower Hub this season. Having to understand that point values are very valuable this season, we think that there is much value in having a fast cycle time, so targeting the Lower Hub would best meet our needs. In terms of the game and how we want to play it, defense is a must. Building a robust robot that can push away others from scoring, while also being able to take a hit will hopefully keep the opposing alliance from scoring much in this game where each ball is valued greatly due to small points. By taking a route of shooting from the Lower Hub, we aim to get the ranking point during teleop, and prioritize the High Rung during the endgame, we hope to get another RP.
We started to prototype a lot more today. From testing out the intake system to building a shooter prototype, our team worked to find a simple solution score optimally with the game elements. We tested variations of wheels including 2inch Mecanum wheels with an omni wheel in the center, and different strengths of 4inch compliant wheels. From what we have seen, it would be best to consider using 4inch, 35A (durometer) compliant wheels for a start.
Once we have these mechanisms tested out and have a direction and sense for how we want to implement these techniques, it will be time to CAD. With finals this week, the Wednesday general meeting will be canceled, but nonetheless, hard work will still be exhibited. For now, good luck!
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